I am especially offended by the rampages through the movie theaters. Not that any incident of this kind isn’t a horrifying, appalling display of the most base cowardice by either the demon possessed or the terminally insane. But think about it – there is a random demographic of people in the theater – from elderly nursing home residents on an outing to a small child. Thanks to the idiot anti-Second Amendment liberal mentality these loonies can be sure that the people there are completely unarmed and helpless. They are in the dark, distracted, relaxed, planning on some casual entertainment and then – literally – Hell breaks loose. These are the kinds of people from whom Jesus would expel demons. This is Satan on display. But, of course, if there is no God then there is no devil and isn’t that terribly convenient for those who do not wish to be held accountable for anything. And they will sacrifice the rest of the world on their altar of self-indulgence. Like Verbal said in The Usual Suspects: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. ”

What this guy did in Lafayette was Satanic. There is really no other rational explanation for it.

Tell you what I would do:

If I owned a movie theater I would offer free movie tickets to anyone who brought a current concealed carry license and gun to my business. And I’d give them TWO free tickets if they brought a firearm and were active military or could show they were also currently working as police, security guard or fireman. That would discourage anyone planning this kind of c***. Like having an air marshal on a plane. Then these degenerates would not be able to stand there killing people as though they were targets in a carny fair game.

Life’s not safe. No one gets out of it alive. But this kind of mayhem would not go on for very long and many lives would be saved.

But of course the liberal moron politicians will force the exact OPPOSITE and start to treat theaters like the airports. The liberals will probably start frisking everyone to be absolutely SURE the theater is full of the completely unarmed and helpless so that the most possible people will die in case some crazy person gets by all their stupid security measures with some kind of a lethal weapon. And does it not occur to anyone that:

1. You could turn even a plastic spoon into a weapon?

2. A maniac that would kill innocent strangers will really NOT be impressed, daunted or in any way slowed down by laws preventing the sane citizenry from carrying measures of self-defense?

I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out this guy was paid/encouraged/subsidized somehow by the same lot in our administration that funded and continued the ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious scandal – providing criminals with guns so they would kill innocent people just so they could further their anti-Second Amendment agenda.

Find me a movie theater who ENCOURAGES self-protection of its patrons and that’s a theater I intend to patronize.


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